Welcome to Therapists In Motion, brought to you by Spooner. Your hosts, Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC and Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT work in a multi-clinic private practice based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Through collaboration and discussion with dynamic leaders in the profession of physical therapy, their goal is to educate and engage the listener while providing a platform to elevate the profession.
Therapists in Motion was designed for you, if you are a treating therapist with a focus is on developing clinical and professional excellence. The mission is always to positively impact your patients’ experience and their outcome. If you have questions, would like to suggest a topic or just want to say “Hi” you can contact us directly at
Ep. 55- I would walk 100,000 miles and I would walk 100,000 more
Evidence is resounding…issues with ankle dorsiflexion are a great predictor of future injury. Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT, is joined by Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, Sara Gagliano, PT, DPT, CLT-UE, and Rachel Keith, PT, DPT, ATC to begin a three part series focused on ankle dorsiflexion. There are some powerful take-home nuggets throughout this podcast.
Ep. 54- Zzzzz’s and Blasters- Recovery Part 2
Recovery continued, this discussion focuses on sleep and tech tools in the tool bag. On this episode Dan is joined by Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, DN, Cert ASTYM, of the Fischer Institute, a division of Spooner Physical Therapy, and Jennifer Lee, PT, DPT, FAFS. Together the three discuss the last two vital components of recovery: sleep and tech tools in the bag! “Sleep and Athletic Performance: Impacts on Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Risk and Recovery and Mental Health” (Discount Code: Fishcer) (Discount Code; Fischer)
Ep. 53- Essential
Physical therapists have been deemed part of the ‘essential workforce’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. How does this affect us personally and what can we learn from this pivotal time in history? Dan Miriovsky is joined by Jennifer Lee, Andrew Walquist and Brett Fischer as they have an in-depth reflection on what is essential!
Ep. 52- Recovery- Don’t just cryo-about it…
Recovery is about more than just proper utilization of cryotherapy. On this episode Dan is joined by Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, DN, Cert ASTYM and Brett Fischer, PT, ATC, CSCS, DN, Cert. ASTYM, of the Fischer Institute, a division of Spooner Physical Therapy. Together the three discuss the first two vital components of recovery: managing muscles/joints and breathing!Recovery is about more than just proper utilization of cryotherapy. On this episode Dan is joined by Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, DN, Cert ASTYM and Brett Fischer, PT, ATC, CSCS, DN, Cert. ASTYM, of the Fischer Institute, a division of Spooner Physical Therapy. Together the three discuss the first two vital components of recovery: managing muscles/joints and breathing!
Ep. 51- Put me in coach…I’m ready to play!
There is a growing epidemic of youth specialization, what is our professional responsibility is combating this epidemic? Dan and Paul return to podcasting in 2020 and are joined for our newest member of Practice Performance team, Brett Fischer, PT, ATC, CSCS. Spooner Physical Therapy has recently teamed up with the Fischer Institute for Physical Therapy and Performance to deliver excellent in sports medicine across the valley.
Ep. 50- Asleep at the Wheel
We have kicked, stretched and kicked, all the way to our 50th episode! As our hosts continue sharing their journey of professional development, we have the pleasure of hearing Jennifer Lee’s adventure!
Intro credit recorded from:
Ep. 49- Concussions
Up to 3.8 million concussions in sport alone. What is the role of the PT in managing concussions in sport and other patients that attend physical therapy? Dan Miriovsky and Paul Gagliano discuss concussions and the physical therapist’s role!
Ep. 48- An Army to lean on to make us better
Each of us have our own journey and story to support it. Over the coming episodes, we want to take a little time for our listeners to understand our individual journey and that we do not have all the answers. We want to give credit to those who have been around to help support us, push us and make us better therapists and humans! Hope you enjoy some insight to us as people and our professional journey. Dan Miriovsky shares his journey today!
Ep. 47- GooglePT: Watch me whip…
Watch me neh neh…Whiplash Associated Disorder. We all see it, but are we managing it with the best possible treatment? Jennifer Lee, Dan Miriovsky and Paul Gagliano, continue the hit GooglePT series with a discussion about the commonly found exercises from Google!
Ep. 46- She comes first…
Women are Ferraris…Guest host, Sara Gagliano, PT, DPT, CLT-UE is joined by Nicole Ron, PT, DPT, WCS, OCS, CMPT and Dr. Sharon Thompson, MD, MPH, FACOG, to discusse female sexual wellness and correlation to physical therapy. Dr. Thompson practices with Central Phoenix Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a medical consultant with Good Morning Arizona.
To learn more about Dr. Thompson, please visit
Ep. 45- GooglePT: Low Back Pain Exercises
Time to shift into gear and handle the crossroads head on. Jennifer Lee, is joined by Dan Miriovsky and Andrew Walquist, to discuss common google findings for low back pain exercises. Bottom up versus top down and how to tackle the common findings!