Welcome to Therapists In Motion, brought to you by Spooner. Your hosts, Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC and Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT work in a multi-clinic private practice based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Through collaboration and discussion with dynamic leaders in the profession of physical therapy, their goal is to educate and engage the listener while providing a platform to elevate the profession.
Therapists in Motion was designed for you, if you are a treating therapist with a focus is on developing clinical and professional excellence. The mission is always to positively impact your patients’ experience and their outcome. If you have questions, would like to suggest a topic or just want to say “Hi” you can contact us directly at
Ep. 99- Clinical Case Discussion: Post Op Total Knee
The last podcast of 2023! John Kline and Ashley Schallett join Dan to discuss a clinical case about a patient with a total knee replacement. The three talk about different stages with range of motion, prognosis, and intervention ideas. Stay tuned for future episodes with clinical case discussions.
Ep. 98- Dazed and Confused…you need a specialist
In the fall of 2022, the International Conference for Concussion in Sport, released updated guidelines for management of post-concussive athletes. On today’s podcast, Dan and Bekah are joined by two experts, Dr Glynnis Zieman, MD and Dr. Tamara Mcleod, PhD, ATC. Together, they share information on the updated guidelines as well as additional resources. Dr. Zieman and Dr. Mcleod will also be speaking at The Huddle, April 5th and 6th, 2024 in Phoenix, AZ!
Ep. 97- Transition Times for Athletes
Every athlete will go through the same transition…stay tuned to hear what that is! Dan and Bekah are joined on the podcast by Maddie Mclean, from Victory Sports Counseling. Together, they discuss the management of transition times for athletes!
Ep. 96- Shin Splint Management
We all encounter the difficult conversation of having to tell a runner to stop running. During this podcast, Paul and Dan are joined by Kayleigh Orozco to discuss the biomechanical causes of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, aka Shin Splints, as well as different management strategies.
Ep. 95- Communicate, must we
When emotions are high…intelligence is low! This is an episode you do not want to miss! Dan and Paul are joined on the podcast with Jamey Schrier. Jamey is the owner of Practice Freedom U. The three discuss communication skills and steps to take control of your emotions when tensions run high. Communication is a skill that we as physical therapists MUST develop, just like our clinical skills.
Ep. 94- Google PT: Adhesive Capsulitis 2.0
The popular and MOST listened-to, Google PT series, RETURNS! Dan is joined on the podcast with John Kline and Andrew Walquist to compare the current literature with the commonly found Google PT exercises! Be prepared to join the paradigm shift when treating individuals with Adhesive Capsulitis. See the links below for access to the articles discussed!
Ep. 93- Movement Literacy
Helping patients achieve movement abundance! Dan is joined by Javier Miller-Estrada on today’s podcast to discuss movement literacy and creating this concept in not just athletes, but all patients! Javier, is the co-owner of Ignite Performance in Chandler, AZ.
Ep. 92- Oh no, oh no, oh no no no…insurance DENIED
Dan is joined by two new guests, Peter Gorman, PT, DPT and Kimberly Wolf-King, PT, DPT to discuss navigating post-op ACL and insurance regulations! The three discussion a variety of topics with the resounding theme being excellent communication!
Ep. 91- Listener Question: Validating value in physical therapy!
For the first time ever, we have a question from a listener and we will discuss his question! Stay tuned to hear Paul Gagliano, Dan Miriovsky and Sara Gagliano discuss the question surrounding validating the value of physical therapy!
Ep. 90- The Pubescent Athlete
On the podcast today, Dr. Stacey Dault joins Paul, Dan, and Sara to discuss the benefits of resistance training for pubescent athletes including female athletes. Resistance training is not only Olympic weight training and bulk training but also utilizing bands, body weight, and/or adding to body weight.
Ep. 89- The Pre-Pubescent Athlete
Joining us today on the podcast is Dr. Stacey Dault. Dr. Dault is a Sports Medicine physician and is welcomed to the pod by Paul, Dan, Bekah, and Sara. The group discusses the importance of movement literacy and plyometric training in pre-pubescent athletes. The discussion is guided by an article from the American Academy of Pediatrics published in 2020!