Not only does the month of May bring out the warmer weather, it encourages us to bring out the warmth in our hearts as we recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the incredible mothers in our lives. This year for Mother’s Day, we wanted to give our Spooner teammates the floor and allow them to boast and brag about their moms and what makes them so amazing!

We hope you enjoy, and Happy Mother’s Day!

Garrett Johnson, Physical Therapist (Spooner Mesa Gateway)

My mom is a very kind, caring and giving person, who really cares about others beyond herself.  She is incredibly strong, and demonstrates the value of hard work and perseverance.  She has always been there for me in any way that I need, sometimes by pushing me to continue to be better and work harder. I have always been proud to be her son. 

The picture is of us after finishing a half marathon together in 2019 (when she could have run circles around me but stayed with me the whole way, even though I was super slow).

Garrett Johnson and Mom - mother appreciation

Alicia Dulaney, Compliance Officer

My mom is my greatest role model and my best friend! Throughout my childhood, she somehow managed to perfectly balance her successful career with raising 2 kids. She finished her degree at night, while working full time and with a toddler, and then worked tirelessly to build her career.

No matter what, there was a homecooked meal on the table and she was eager to hear about our days. She was there for every soccer game, track meet, academic achievement, or any other event my brother and I had going on. Now that I have a career and kid of my own, I’m more baffled than ever as to how she managed to pull all of this off (I’m convinced she doesn’t actually sleep…)

She continues to be there whenever I need her. We talk every day and she is my sounding board any time I am looking for advice about work, parenting, or just about anything else. She is the best mom and grandma!

Alicia Dulaney and Mom mother appreciation

Stephanie Winkler, Physical Therapist (Spooner Scottsdale)

My mom is the strongest, feistiest woman I know. She lives with her heart on her sleeve and believes everyone should have at least one happy moment every day. She made it her mission as a mother to instill qualities of confidence and grace in her children and still holds us to the highest standards today.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without my biggest cheerleader. I love you so much mom!!

Stephanie Winkler and Mom mother appreciation

Trent Stapley, Marketing Coordinator

My mom somehow found a way to work a full-time job, attend all of my school and sporting events, have dinner ready on the daily, and never once complained about having to do any of it! What’s even more impressive, is she was able to turn a facetious child and perennial underachiever (aka: me) into a somewhat successful and full-functioning adult.

Her work-ethic is impeccable, her strength is inspiring, her love is unconditional, and her cookies are better than yours. Most days I don’t feel like I deserve to have her in my life, but I’m so grateful that I do!

I couldn’t have picked a better mom!

Trent and Mom mother appreciation

Ryan Bell, Physical Therapy Assistant (Spooner North Mesa)

Mom, I owe so much to you for the happiness and successes I get to enjoy today. You have always been the caring and supportive figure to navigate me through the challenges of life.

On this Mother’s Day weekend, I hope you feel appreciated for all of the wonderful things you have done for our family. The world is a better place with you!

Love, Ryan

Ryan Bell and Mom mother appreciation

Khristian McGinley, Physical Therapist (Spooner Goodyear)

My mom is awesome because of her incredibly selfless attitude and adventurous spirit. She loves God and loves people and you will know that from the moment you meet her.

She has ran marathons, regularly hikes the Grand Canyon, and drives a Jeep Wrangler.



Khristian M. and Mom mother appreciation

Audra Crossland, Physical Therapist (Spooner Avondale)

My mom has always been my #1 fan and supports me in everything I do! She can always cheer me up and make me laugh when I need it.

I am so thankful to have someone so creative, hardworking and loving as my mother!

Audra and Mom mother appreciation

Heather Heitzman, HR Benefits Coordinator

My mom Kathy is the best because she always goes the extra mile to make simple gestures grand expressions of appreciation for others, that make a person feel truly cared for. Whether it’s in their time of need or simply to make them smile, she does whatever she can for others. She also brings this passion to all of her party planning events!

We had the best parties growing up, from a neighborhood wide scavenger hunt, to a sweet 16 Mardi Gras masquerade, to a full on Halloween carnival complete with games, prizes, and cotton candy. There have been a few Spooner parties that were decked out thanks to Kathy and her repertoire of holiday and party items. She brings this fun and giving spirit to everyone she knows. Love you Mom!

Heather and Mom mother appreciation

Holly Hussey, Hand Therapist (Spooner Surprise)

My mother is amazing! I was very involved with extracurricular activities as a kid and my mom was the one who would come home from work and then Uber me around to all my activities. She helped foster a desire to achieve and do well in school without pressuring me to get good grades.

As a registered nurse, she inspired me and helped me develop an early curiosity of the medical field. Growing up, I used to hang out in the school nurse office or hospital that she worked at and just watch her take care of her patients. She had such a great way of speaking with patients that was equally kind, direct, and catered in a way that they’d understand. Because of her example, I am able to better interact with and take care of my own patients.

Holly and Mom mother appreciation

Thank you to all the moms out there for your love and sacrifice, and for helping shape us into the people we are today. We literally wouldn’t be here without you. We hope you enjoyed and wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!