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22 11, 2018

Phoenix Runners – Tips to Keep Your Health In Motion This Winter


It’s (finally!) cooled down here in Arizona and runners all over the Valley are hitting the streets and the trails. Many runners may have maintained a routine in the sizzling summer months and can now simply enjoy the gorgeous weather; others may be hitting the pavement after a few months off. Read on […]

Phoenix Runners – Tips to Keep Your Health In Motion This Winter2023-09-08T16:00:29-07:00
29 10, 2018

Yes, Physical Therapy Can Help Your Frozen Shoulder


If you’ve had frozen shoulder, then you know it’s no fun. That stiff feeling – like you can’t move and your arm is literally frozen! – often combined with an aching soreness, or even jabs of pain. It can be a show-stopper for anyone who experiences it. And, it can feel like it […]

Yes, Physical Therapy Can Help Your Frozen Shoulder2023-11-30T11:03:29-07:00
2 08, 2018

Benefits of Manual Therapy


Manual therapy is a hands-on approach used within a course of treatment to address muscle and soft tissue pain, joint stiffness, posture, and to assist in efficient movement. And at Spooner Physical Therapy, we’re using specialized techniques to help each patient thrive.

What Is Manual Therapy?

Manual therapy includes specific techniques used to treat musculoskeletal pain and […]

Benefits of Manual Therapy2024-08-16T16:29:22-07:00
28 06, 2018

Wrist Pain and Physical Therapy: What You Need to Know


If you’re experiencing wrist pain, don’t dismiss it. Your wrist is a delicate, complex part of your body, built from a series of joints, ligaments, and cartilage. Together, these elements work together to help your wrist bones slide against each other without causing damage, creating fluid movement. That is, if your wrist is […]

Wrist Pain and Physical Therapy: What You Need to Know2024-02-29T15:32:02-07:00
28 06, 2018

Cell Phones and Hand Pain – How Physical Therapy Can Help


You may associate physical therapy with sports injuries, or post-surgery rehabilitation, but physical therapy can be effective in treating pain associated with almost any physical habit or behavior. Take cell phones, for example. If you’re like most Americans, your phone is within reach 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, Americans spend […]

Cell Phones and Hand Pain – How Physical Therapy Can Help2024-08-16T16:46:38-07:00