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Sports Medicine

19 11, 2020

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump


By: Brian Schulte, CSCS, FAFS, FIT Coordinator

In sports, your vertical jump can be the deciding factor between a win and a loss. It can differentiate whether or not you secure that rebound, block that volleyball spike, or come down with that last second hail-mary. Furthermore, having a good vertical jump is often correlated with several […]

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump2024-10-29T11:31:31-07:00
18 11, 2020

Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete


On December 5th, Spooner Sports Medicine will present a virtual seminar titled: Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete. This event is designed to speak directly to athletic trainers and the daily challenges that athletic trainers are asked to overcome. However, all medical professionals will benefit from the conversation with […]

Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete2023-09-08T15:23:23-07:00
11 11, 2020

Shoulder Pain in the Youth Volleyball Player – A Whole-Body Approach


We’ve all heard it… shoulder pain must mean that your young volleyball player has a cartilage tear or a rotator cuff injury. Maybe they’re just experiencing growing pains and have been told they must deal with it. You’ve already taken some time off in an attempt to rest the shoulder. You’ve tried ice and some […]

Shoulder Pain in the Youth Volleyball Player – A Whole-Body Approach2024-07-22T16:35:18-07:00
26 09, 2020

Battling Swimmer’s Shoulder: Tips for Safe Swimming and a Proper Warmup


Swimming is a beloved activity for recreation and sport, it can be competitive and also helps us stay fit and keep cool. While swimming is great for improving strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health, both recreational and competitive swimmers face a variety of overuse injuries. Like in all sports and physical activities, proper warm ups, stretching, […]

Battling Swimmer’s Shoulder: Tips for Safe Swimming and a Proper Warmup2024-07-03T17:49:29-07:00
25 09, 2020

The Road to Becoming an Athletic Trainer


Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an Athletic Trainer? We sat down with Bekah Hibbert, one of the latest additions to Spooner Physical Therapy as the Director of Sports Medicine. Bekah recently moved from Louisville, Kentucky, where she previously served as the Coordinator of Sports Medicine for Norton Healthcare. We talked about her journey so far as an Athletic Trainer and what […]

The Road to Becoming an Athletic Trainer2023-09-08T15:28:45-07:00
23 09, 2020

Has Covid-19 Increased an Athlete’s Chance of Injury?


Covid-19 has had a huge effect on sports over these past 6 months. While everyone is excited to see athletes get back on to the fields and courts, there is concern that all this uncertainty has left some athletes susceptible to increased risk of injury. We won’t have all the data until after the seasons […]

Has Covid-19 Increased an Athlete’s Chance of Injury?2024-07-22T16:55:06-07:00
22 09, 2020

What’s the Deal With the Tape? Kinesiology Therapeutic (KT) Tape Benefits


We’ve all seen it. The athlete in the gym or running outdoors with tape running in all directions.  Maybe you’ve seen them across the shoulder, around the knee cap, or on back of calves and wondered, “What is that stuff?” It’s certainly not the ACE wrap we grew up with back in the day… Does […]

What’s the Deal With the Tape? Kinesiology Therapeutic (KT) Tape Benefits2024-06-10T11:24:27-07:00
18 09, 2020

What Should My Post-Workout Recovery Look Like?


You did it! You powered through that high-intensity workout, crushed that 10-mile run, or made it through another week of football practice. Now what? You’ve done a great job pushing your body on the field, but now it’s time to make sure you are taking care of it off the field.

Contrary to popular belief, our […]

What Should My Post-Workout Recovery Look Like?2024-07-01T17:12:21-07:00
11 09, 2020

What Should My Warmup Look Like?


Whether you’re just getting into physical activity, or you’ve been active your entire life, warming up before you exercise can feel a bit tedious. You might have had a long day and just want to get right into your workout. You might be new to whole experience and aren’t quite sure what […]

What Should My Warmup Look Like?2024-12-31T16:31:54-07:00
2 09, 2020

The Best Equipment in Your Bag: You


Every year, golf companies come out with their latest and greatest in equipment. Drivers offering 10 extra yards, more forgiving irons, better golf balls promising increased ball flight, the list goes on. Although getting a brand new driver is exciting, golfers have to understand that venture will only take them to a certain point. The […]

The Best Equipment in Your Bag: You2024-10-18T17:50:06-07:00