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30 04, 2021

Mitch’s Moments that Matter


About 2.1 million people in the United States are currently living with limb loss, with 185,000 people having an amputation each year. Moments that Matter is an initiative by our friends over at the Amputee Coalition to recognize and honor patients during Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month which is celebrated annually […]

Mitch’s Moments that Matter2024-07-15T12:46:42-07:00
21 05, 2019

Life After Amputation: Get Moving Again with Physical Therapy


Regaining control after an amputation

“After someone experiences an amputation, they often don’t understand that their mobility or functional goals can be achieved. It seems so far off. But it can be achieved — with hard work. And that’s where we come in. We want to help them be as active as they desire.”

These words are […]

Life After Amputation: Get Moving Again with Physical Therapy2024-08-15T17:21:01-07:00