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16 02, 2021

Carpal Tunnel & Cubital Tunnel: How to Combat these Common Office Threats


You have spent the last 6 hours at your desk with your eyes glued to the computer, your hands typing nonstop on the keyboard, and your back hunched over. You notice that your wrist is starting to ache, and your fingers are starting to tingle, causing you to slow down, stop to shake out your […]

Carpal Tunnel & Cubital Tunnel: How to Combat these Common Office Threats2024-02-29T14:15:10-07:00
1 02, 2018

How Physical Therapy Exercises Improve Vitality and Movement


Physical Therapy Exercises

Do you ever feel like you just can’t get moving some days? That you’re a bit achy, or just so low on energy that vegging on the couch is about all you feel like doing?

If you’re not just having an off day here and there, and if this is a more regular occurrence, […]

How Physical Therapy Exercises Improve Vitality and Movement2023-09-08T16:10:57-07:00