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Physical Therapy

25 08, 2021

Ep. 68- You down with O/PT? Yeah you know me!


You down with O/PT? Wait, I know what a PT is and does, but what about an OT? Occupational therapist, Natalie Black OT, MOT, joins the pod today to discuss with Dan Miriovsky and Paul Gagliano the similarities and differences between physical and occupational therapy.

Ep. 68- You down with O/PT? Yeah you know me!2024-12-27T16:49:14-07:00
6 08, 2021

What is Cupping? A Guide to Cupping Therapy


Remember when Michael Phelps showed up to compete in the 2016 Summer Olympics with round bruises covering his back? That was the start of a mainstream conversation around the practice of cupping – which actually has roots in ancient Chinese and Egyptian medicine. 

Years after Phelps kicked off the global phenomenon, cupping has remained […]
What is Cupping? A Guide to Cupping Therapy2023-09-08T14:49:57-07:00
28 07, 2021

Ep. 67- Engage. Intervene. Train. Three key characteristics for therapist success


Engage. Intervene. Train. It is time for an update...a fresh logo matched with new theme music and what do you get, a significant piece of wisdom! Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined by Tim Spooner, PT, FAFS to discuss the key characteristics of therapists that will be successful in the healthcare biosphere moving forward.

Ep. 67- Engage. Intervene. Train. Three key characteristics for therapist success2023-09-23T20:43:53-07:00
23 07, 2021

Reclaim Control of Your Bladder: How PT Can Help You Recover From Pregnancy


By Rathika “Rinku” Bhakta, PT, DPT

As wild as statistics go, 25% of women experience stress urinary incontinence as a result of some sort of pelvic floor dysfunction. This includes the huge change that occurs in your body, namely to the pelvic floor, during pre- and post-partum. Stress urinary incontinence occurs when there is an increase […]

Reclaim Control of Your Bladder: How PT Can Help You Recover From Pregnancy2023-11-10T16:44:54-07:00
7 07, 2021

Why You Should Be Rolling Out Your Feet


If there’s one part of our body that deserves a little extra love and attention, it’s our feet! They are what connect us to the ground, providing the balance and stability necessary for everyday life. Because our feet are so often overlooked, we don’t usually think to take care of them until after we’re […]

Why You Should Be Rolling Out Your Feet2023-09-08T14:50:58-07:00
27 05, 2021

Ep. 66- Key to Success: Being a lifelong learner


Learning. Progression. Mindset. Comfortable being uncomfortable. Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Keisuke Kanno (K2), PT, DPT, FAFS, CSCS, the newest member of our Practice Performance team, and Bekah Hibbert, ATC, Director of Sports Medicine at Spooner Physical Therapy, to discuss the mentality of lifelong learning.

Ep. 66- Key to Success: Being a lifelong learner2023-09-23T20:44:15-07:00
21 05, 2021

Pain Relief with Dry Needling


If you experience lower back pain, headaches, ankle instability, tendonitis or other neuromuscular and myofascial pain you might be asking yourself, “How can I relieve this pain without going to the doctor or going on painkillers”? Well, you might be a good candidate for dry needling treatment. In addition to physical therapy, dry needling offers […]

Pain Relief with Dry Needling2024-07-03T17:08:14-07:00
12 05, 2021

Stroke Awareness: Signs to Know and How Physical Therapy Plays a Role


Did you know 800,000 people have a stroke in the United States each year? Stroke kills twice as many women as breast cancer does, making stroke the third leading cause of death for women. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of serious long-term disability. Quick […]

Stroke Awareness: Signs to Know and How Physical Therapy Plays a Role2024-07-02T16:45:13-07:00
30 04, 2021

Mitch’s Moments that Matter


About 2.1 million people in the United States are currently living with limb loss, with 185,000 people having an amputation each year. Moments that Matter is an initiative by our friends over at the Amputee Coalition to recognize and honor patients during Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month which is celebrated annually […]

Mitch’s Moments that Matter2024-07-15T12:46:42-07:00
28 04, 2021

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World


Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Tim Spooner, PT, FAFS and Alicia Dulaney, PT, DPT, NCS to discuss the role of neurologic based approaches in outpatient orthopedics.  Tim and Alicia both share their professional journey that has led to successful outcomes. The four discuss pathways for success for therapists who have a strong desire to improve the skillset and treatment philosophy. #Congratson31years #WeApologizeforDansAttempttoSing

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World2023-09-23T20:44:30-07:00