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Physical Therapy

31 05, 2020

Ep. 54- Zzzzz’s and Blasters- Recovery Part 2


Recovery continued, this discussion focuses on sleep and tech tools in the tool bag. On this episode Dan is joined by Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, DN, Cert ASTYM, of the Fischer Institute, a division of Spooner Physical Therapy, and Jennifer Lee, PT, DPT, FAFS. Together the three discuss the last two vital components of recovery: sleep and tech tools in the bag! “Sleep and Athletic Performance: Impacts on Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Risk and Recovery and Mental Health” (Discount Code: Fishcer) (Discount Code; Fischer)

Ep. 54- Zzzzz’s and Blasters- Recovery Part 22024-06-10T11:39:00-07:00
13 04, 2020

Your Time Is Now: What to Expect at Your First Physical Therapy Appointment


So, you’ve determined that physical therapy might be the best course of action in your journey toward healing from pain or injury. Or maybe you have a surgeon or other doctor who has referred you to a physical therapist.

Whatever it is that has motivated you to seek out physical therapy, we’re glad you’re here! And […]

Your Time Is Now: What to Expect at Your First Physical Therapy Appointment2024-07-25T13:00:40-07:00
30 01, 2018

Ep. 18- Fireside Chat with Gregg Johnson


Stories are a great way for people to learn. Join Dan and Paul for story time with Gregg Johnson, Co-Founder of the Institute of Physical Art.  His stories will have impact on all who listen about the true power of physical therapy!

Ep. 18- Fireside Chat with Gregg Johnson2023-09-25T10:19:22-07:00
18 04, 2017

The Benefits of Vestibular Physical Therapy


If you are experiencing symptoms of dizziness, pressure in the ear, nausea, ringing in the ears, chronic headaches, or imbalance, it could be a sign of dysfunction in your Vestibular system. The good news is a therapist can help with Vestibular physical therapy in order to get you back to living […]

The Benefits of Vestibular Physical Therapy2024-08-19T11:38:24-07:00