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pelvic floor

9 12, 2020

So, You Just Had A Prostatectomy… Now What?


1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Spooner physical therapist Cara Morrison, PT, DPT, a pelvic floor specialist says, “I think that in itself is really eye-opening. It’s really common. It’s also one of the most treatable cancers if it is caught early.”

“I didn’t know much about the pelvic […]

So, You Just Had A Prostatectomy… Now What?2024-07-18T11:24:45-07:00
15 09, 2020

Ovarian Cancer: How Physical Therapy Can Help with Treatment


September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer every 23 minutes in the United States?1 Ovarian cancer is the number one cause of gynecologic cancer deaths. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the ovaries and can spread within the pelvis and abdomen […]

Ovarian Cancer: How Physical Therapy Can Help with Treatment2024-07-01T14:25:09-07:00
21 08, 2019

Getting Back Into Fighting Shape After Having A Baby


Let’s just call it like it is: Carrying and delivering a baby is a traumatic experience. Yes, it’s first and foremost a beautiful, awe-inspiring experience, one that brings purpose, joy and love. So. Much. Love.

But it also causes trauma, especially to a woman’s entire body (and sometimes to her mental state), and in particular, to […]

Getting Back Into Fighting Shape After Having A Baby2024-08-01T17:21:24-07:00
25 05, 2018

Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation


Pelvic health and rehabilitation has been gaining a lot of awareness recently, especially for women who are post-partum. The pelvic floor is an important muscle group that serves to support your entire core, in both men and women, and are used without awareness daily. What is not top of mind for most people, is how […]

Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation2024-08-16T16:31:06-07:00
21 02, 2017

What is Pelvic Floor Rehab and How It Can Benefit You


If you’re like many individuals, you probably don’t give your pelvic floor a second thought. Your next question may be “what is the pelvic floor anyway?” People generally aren’t aware of this internal group of muscles until there is an issue presented in the form of incontinence, pain, unusual pressure “down […]

What is Pelvic Floor Rehab and How It Can Benefit You2024-08-19T12:37:48-07:00