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10 02, 2022

Boxing and the Brain


By: Annoushka Ranaraja, PT, DPT and Devin Miller, FMS, FIT Trainer

The brain is the center of human function. It controls every function and process you can think of – both consciously and automatically. It’s intricately involved in everything, and we want to keep our brains as healthy as possible for the duration of our lives.

Boxing and the Brain2024-10-29T11:38:47-07:00
18 05, 2021

Ron’s Story: From Wheelchair to Walking After a Stroke


Ron had a stroke in January 2020 and started working with Caralyn at the end of October 2020. In recognition of Stroke Awareness Month, we are excited to spotlight Spooner Peoria’s Caralyn Debash, PT, DPT and her patient Ron.

Stroke Awareness Month

When asked why physical therapy is […]

Ron’s Story: From Wheelchair to Walking After a Stroke2024-07-02T16:58:11-07:00
28 04, 2021

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World


Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Tim Spooner, PT, FAFS and Alicia Dulaney, PT, DPT, NCS to discuss the role of neurologic based approaches in outpatient orthopedics.  Tim and Alicia both share their professional journey that has led to successful outcomes. The four discuss pathways for success for therapists who have a strong desire to improve the skillset and treatment philosophy. #Congratson31years #WeApologizeforDansAttempttoSing

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World2023-09-23T20:44:30-07:00
28 04, 2021

LSVT BIG: Intensity Focused Rehab for Parkinson’s Disease


The LSVT BIG program is a holistic treatment approach that addresses not only movement patterns but also non-motor symptoms including emotional changes and cognitive changes that one develops with a neurological condition.

LSVT BIG first started as a specific protocol for the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s. As more research has become available, the studies […]

LSVT BIG: Intensity Focused Rehab for Parkinson’s Disease2024-07-15T13:35:44-07:00
8 04, 2021

Fighting Parkinson’s Disease with Physical Therapy and Exercise


1 million Americans are living with Parkinson’s Disease, and 60,000 people are newly diagnosed every year. In recognition of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Spooner Desert Ridge’s Emily Stafford, PT, DPT, CAFS, FAFS gave us some insight on what patients with Parkinson’s can expect during physical therapy and why exercise is a necessity in the fight […]

Fighting Parkinson’s Disease with Physical Therapy and Exercise2025-01-29T15:12:59-07:00
19 03, 2021

Brain Injury Awareness Month: How Physical Therapy Plays a Role in Your Recovery


Did you know at least 5.3 million Americans live with a TBI-related disability? That’s one in every 60 people. In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month, Spooner Scottsdale’s Stephane Gilboy, PT, DPT shares some of what she has learned about treating patients with traumatic brain injuries and how physical therapy plays a vital role on […]

Brain Injury Awareness Month: How Physical Therapy Plays a Role in Your Recovery2025-02-20T11:09:33-07:00
8 09, 2020

World Alzheimer’s Month: How Physical Therapy Slows Neurological Decline


World Alzheimer’s Day takes place every year on September 21, as the primary day of awareness during September’s World Alzheimer’s Month which was established to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. Alzheimer’s disease can be debilitating and can oftentimes go undiagnosed as we continue to see many more people that are affected […]

World Alzheimer’s Month: How Physical Therapy Slows Neurological Decline2024-07-23T17:06:38-07:00
3 08, 2020

Be Prepared When Concussions Happen


We’ve all heard of concussions, but how many people fully understand concussions? A concussion occurs when the head moves rapidly back and forth causing the brain to shift and make contact with the inside of the skull. The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) estimates 1.6 – 3.8 million concussions are reported each year. However, because […]

Be Prepared When Concussions Happen2024-07-23T17:33:51-07:00
20 05, 2019

How Physical Therapy Helps Parkinson’s Patients


Every patient looks a little different, especially when it comes to neurological challenges presented by conditions like Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, we strive to take an individualized, whole-body approach to every patient. So, when individuals with Parkinson’s come to us to help them with issues such as an abnormal gait, […]

How Physical Therapy Helps Parkinson’s Patients2024-04-04T10:58:48-07:00
2 03, 2018

Physical Therapy Can Help with Fall Prevention


Falling is a high-risk accident affecting the 65-and-older population. In fact, one out of every three people age 65 or older may experience a fall every year. Certain medical conditions may lead to an increase in falling. Conditions such as vision changes due to macular degeneration or cataracts, can throw off your sense of balance. […]

Physical Therapy Can Help with Fall Prevention2024-08-16T16:33:40-07:00