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Men’s Health

25 05, 2023

Male Athletes and the Pelvic Floor  


By: Carrie Yaeger, PT, DPT, PRPC

The pelvic floor is often attributed as an issue that solely affects female athletes. This is not the case. Males, like females, have pelvic floors that work to help them perform athletically. However, it is largely overlooked.

The male pelvic floor is a group of 10 muscles that spans the […]

Male Athletes and the Pelvic Floor  2024-10-29T11:38:01-07:00
9 12, 2020

So, You Just Had A Prostatectomy… Now What?


1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Spooner physical therapist Cara Morrison, PT, DPT, a pelvic floor specialist says, “I think that in itself is really eye-opening. It’s really common. It’s also one of the most treatable cancers if it is caught early.”

“I didn’t know much about the pelvic […]

So, You Just Had A Prostatectomy… Now What?2024-07-18T11:24:45-07:00
25 05, 2018

Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation


Pelvic health and rehabilitation has been gaining a lot of awareness recently, especially for women who are post-partum. The pelvic floor is an important muscle group that serves to support your entire core, in both men and women, and are used without awareness daily. What is not top of mind for most people, is how […]

Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation2024-08-16T16:31:06-07:00