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clinical reasoning

27 01, 2022

Ep. 71- GooglePT: Ankle Sprains


Our popular series makes a triumph return in 2022 as Dan Miriovsky is joined by Keisuke Kanno and John Kline to discuss ankle sprains. The three take time to not only discuss commonly found exercises on google, but they integrate a review article published in December of 2020 in the World Journal of Orthopedics, 'Acute ankle sprains in athletes: Clinical aspects and algorithmic approach' to drive the discussion.

Ep. 71- GooglePT: Ankle Sprains2024-10-29T11:38:47-07:00
23 12, 2021

Ep. 70: “More Research is Needed:” Application Matters


The second edition of "More Research is Needed" with a practical example on how to read and interrupt research.  Paul Gagliano, Keisuke Kanno and Dan Miriovsky join together to discuss, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Open Chain Exercises after ACL Reconstruction" from JOSPT Sept 2020. They discuss the three main points of the article and how it can be utilized during programming for patients.

Ep. 70: “More Research is Needed:” Application Matters2025-01-27T17:25:59-07:00
28 10, 2021

Ep. 69: “More Research is Needed:” Research is Everything vs Function is Everything


A new series to focus on improving the ability to be a consumer of research. Paul Gagliano PT, DPT, Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC and Keisuke Kanno, PT, DPT, FAFS, CSCS gather together to kick off this series.  The three discuss the spectrum from 'research is everything' to 'function is everything.'  This theoretical discussion will lead you thinking about how you consume research and implement into your clinical care.

Ep. 69: “More Research is Needed:” Research is Everything vs Function is Everything2024-10-29T11:38:53-07:00
28 07, 2021

Ep. 67- Engage. Intervene. Train. Three key characteristics for therapist success


Engage. Intervene. Train. It is time for an update...a fresh logo matched with new theme music and what do you get, a significant piece of wisdom! Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined by Tim Spooner, PT, FAFS to discuss the key characteristics of therapists that will be successful in the healthcare biosphere moving forward.

Ep. 67- Engage. Intervene. Train. Three key characteristics for therapist success2023-09-23T20:43:53-07:00
27 05, 2021

Ep. 66- Key to Success: Being a lifelong learner


Learning. Progression. Mindset. Comfortable being uncomfortable. Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Keisuke Kanno (K2), PT, DPT, FAFS, CSCS, the newest member of our Practice Performance team, and Bekah Hibbert, ATC, Director of Sports Medicine at Spooner Physical Therapy, to discuss the mentality of lifelong learning.

Ep. 66- Key to Success: Being a lifelong learner2023-09-23T20:44:15-07:00
28 04, 2021

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World


Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Tim Spooner, PT, FAFS and Alicia Dulaney, PT, DPT, NCS to discuss the role of neurologic based approaches in outpatient orthopedics.  Tim and Alicia both share their professional journey that has led to successful outcomes. The four discuss pathways for success for therapists who have a strong desire to improve the skillset and treatment philosophy. #Congratson31years #WeApologizeforDansAttempttoSing

Ep. 65- I’m a Neuro PT in an Ortho World2023-09-23T20:44:30-07:00
8 04, 2021

Ep. 64 – The Bumpy Transition


DPT is joined bye Sara Gagliano, PT, DPT, CLT-UE, Stephanie Winkler, PT, DPT and Dillon Moeller, PT, DPT, FAFS to discuss the transition from student to the professional life and tips to make the transition successful.

Ep. 64 – The Bumpy Transition2025-02-20T11:09:40-07:00
26 02, 2021

Ep. 63 – Not your typical sport


How do you approach an athlete that comes through your clinic and participates in a sport/task that you are completely unfamiliar with? Dan Miriovsky is joined by Paul Gagliano and Sara Gagliano to discuss strategies and some go to baseline measures to assist with helping these athletes achieve!

Ep. 63 – Not your typical sport2023-09-23T20:45:15-07:00
30 12, 2020

Ep. 61 – Silent but common


Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT, Sara Gagliano, PT, DPT, CLT-UE, Carrie Yaeger, PT, DPT, PRPC and Dr. Allyson Shrikhande, MD join together to discuss keys to early detection in a silent, but common condition affecting women of child bearing age…..endometriosis.

Ep. 61 – Silent but common2024-10-16T15:28:24-07:00
8 12, 2020

Ep. 60 – Who is your pelvic floor quarterback?


Paul Gagliano, PT, DPT, Sara Gagliano, PT, DPT, CLT-UE and Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, ATC are joined today by Dr. Allyson Shrikhande, MD of Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine. The four discuss the importance of an integrated care team and the role each plays in managing pelvic floor issues.

Ep. 60 – Who is your pelvic floor quarterback?2023-09-23T20:46:24-07:00