Want a healthier lifestyle, but unsure on where or how to start integrating more movement into your life? Whether you are beginning a new fitness journey, starting a new workout program, joining a fitness group, or planning on getting back on track with the workouts you used to do regularly but it’s been a while (a COVID while), it’s a great idea to sign yourself up for a movement screening with one of Spooner’s movement specialists. Getting a movement screen by one of our FIT Trainers or Physical Therapists will give you essential information about YOUR body and how YOU move. Understanding more about your highlights, your strengths, and your limitations will help you build a solid foundation and a plan to get there. Building a strong foundation is vital to progress and continued success.
A second piece to building a healthy lifestyle is finding movement that works for you and learning how to implement it into your life. Integrating physical activity into your life, that is going to actually become habit, is about finding movement that YOU like to do and finding ways to incrementally work it into your schedule. Start with something you know you like to do, start with a reasonable/manageable amount of time for your schedule, and then plug it into your schedule where it fits. Literally write it or type it into your schedule as part of your week. Building YOUR activity into YOUR routine is how movement is going to become part of YOUR lifestyle. Small changes to your life over time will be more easily sustained. Finally, put out the vibes for a gathering people around you that support your healthy lifestyle choice. Talk to your friends and family about the new things you’ve learned about yourself from your movement screen and your experience so far. Search online for groups that enjoy doing the same activity you do for support, tips and tricks. Join an event/challenge for your activity. Think along the lines of a charity 5K walk/run that has a personal meaning, will allow you to participate with friends, family and those that support the cause, and will also provide you with a goal to work toward.
Movement screenings are provided at no cost and will lay the foundation for successful movement. During the assessment, you and your therapist will discuss your concerns, take a look at how you move, and assess your level of preparedness to begin your journey. Together, you will create a plan to help you return to moving and feeling better!
Ready to begin your fitness journey? Take the first step, schedule a movement screening with a Spooner physical therapist today!