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13 02, 2019

Tennis Elbow: What It Is and What to Expect


Its name doesn’t correlate well to the degree of pain it can cause our patients. No, Tennis Elbow isn’t just a casual ache or soreness nor does it only occur in tennis players; for many patients, it’s a total show-stopper.

Tennis Elbow often begins with a seemingly innocent […]

Tennis Elbow: What It Is and What to Expect2025-02-03T20:56:51-07:00
30 08, 2017

Youth Sports Injuries: Take Control of your Child’s Health


Youth Sports Injuries

Overuse injuries are caused by repetitive stress on the body and are more prevalent than ever in youth sports injuries. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), more than half of youth sports injuries are preventable.  Sports are an important aspect of children’s physical and social development. Too much of anything is […]

Youth Sports Injuries: Take Control of your Child’s Health2023-09-08T16:13:08-07:00