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Specialty Practices

4 12, 2020

Why I Love Being A Pediatric Physical Therapist 


You know how the saying goes: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This rings true for our pediatric specialty group here at Spooner Physical Therapy. We talked with some of our team to find out what they love about being a pediatric physical therapist […]

Why I Love Being A Pediatric Physical Therapist 2025-02-20T11:09:03-07:00
3 12, 2020

Stand Proud and Walk Tall: Improve Your Posture with Good Standing and Walking Mechanics


Not too long ago we discussed the importance of sitting posture and how to achieve it. Now, we talk with Paul Ramos (aka “Sarge”), PTA, FAFS about achieving proper posture while you are standing and walking. Posture and walking mechanics play a huge role when it comes to improving stamina and gait, and an […]

Stand Proud and Walk Tall: Improve Your Posture with Good Standing and Walking Mechanics2024-07-03T10:16:54-07:00
18 11, 2020

Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete


On December 5th, Spooner Sports Medicine will present a virtual seminar titled: Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete. This event is designed to speak directly to athletic trainers and the daily challenges that athletic trainers are asked to overcome. However, all medical professionals will benefit from the conversation with […]

Feeling Burned Out: Mental Health Strategies for You and Your Athlete2023-09-08T15:23:23-07:00
11 11, 2020

Shoulder Pain in the Youth Volleyball Player – A Whole-Body Approach


We’ve all heard it… shoulder pain must mean that your young volleyball player has a cartilage tear or a rotator cuff injury. Maybe they’re just experiencing growing pains and have been told they must deal with it. You’ve already taken some time off in an attempt to rest the shoulder. You’ve tried ice and some […]

Shoulder Pain in the Youth Volleyball Player – A Whole-Body Approach2024-07-22T16:35:18-07:00
6 11, 2020

Growing Pains: Sever’s Disease


There’s nothing quite like watching your little one(s) grow up before your eyes. One minute, you’re helping retrieve their favorite cereal from the top-shelf in the pantry; then all of sudden, they’re as tall as you, leaving you to question your own stature and whether or not this is even your child anymore…

Just as parents have to adjust to this rapid […]

Growing Pains: Sever’s Disease2025-02-20T11:06:47-07:00
27 10, 2020

5 Myths About Pregnancy


Having a baby is an exciting time! Your friends, family, and coworkers are all anxious to shower you with love, gifts, and ample amounts of advice and suggestions. With the slew of information and feedback you’re receiving, it can be a bit confusing to know what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes […]

5 Myths About Pregnancy2024-10-16T15:31:59-07:00
26 10, 2020

Are Hunched Shoulders Causing You Pain?


We all remember hearing it growing up, “chin up, shoulders back.” Good posture isn’t just for family photos, there are real impacts to overall health that result from hunched shoulders. Our daily lives shape our posture and letting bad posture persist makes it more difficult to correct as the muscles in your body are retrained […]

Are Hunched Shoulders Causing You Pain?2024-07-03T13:39:11-07:00
20 10, 2020

Motion is Lotion: Exercising to Maintain Bone and Joint Health


Osteoporosis is estimated to affect 200 million women worldwide. As we near the end of Bone and Joint Action Week we want to provide you with some tips for keeping active with Osteoporosis. We know that exercise is beneficial for bone health but when it comes to osteoporosis you’ll find greater success and longevity if […]

Motion is Lotion: Exercising to Maintain Bone and Joint Health2024-07-22T16:38:06-07:00
19 10, 2020

Pat’s Story: Battling Breast Cancer and Building Friendships


In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to share the story of one of our very own Spooner patients and her battle with breast cancer. We loved talking with Pat Reed, one of Jenna Salber’s, PT, DPT, CLT-UE, NASM-CES patients in our East Chandler clinic! Pat started seeing Jenna for sessions in […]

Pat’s Story: Battling Breast Cancer and Building Friendships2024-07-22T16:46:35-07:00
13 10, 2020

Raising Awareness: Bone and Joint Health Action Week


It’s Bone and Joint Health Action Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about bone and joint conditions and how to prevent, manage, and treat them. More than half of the America population, 54% of adults over 18 are affected by musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back pain, hip pain, or osteoporosis. One in […]

Raising Awareness: Bone and Joint Health Action Week2025-02-20T11:11:32-07:00