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9 11, 2020

What Is Direct Access and What Does It Mean For You


What is Direct Access?

Did you know you can reap the benefits of physical therapy without having a referral from a physician? Yep, that’s right. With direct access, patients can access physical therapy services for evaluation and treatment without having a physician referral. Arizona is one of 20 states with no restrictions or limitations whatsoever for […]

What Is Direct Access and What Does It Mean For You2023-09-08T15:26:23-07:00
27 10, 2020

5 Myths About Pregnancy


Having a baby is an exciting time! Your friends, family, and coworkers are all anxious to shower you with love, gifts, and ample amounts of advice and suggestions. With the slew of information and feedback you’re receiving, it can be a bit confusing to know what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes […]

5 Myths About Pregnancy2024-10-16T15:31:59-07:00
26 10, 2020

Are Hunched Shoulders Causing You Pain?


We all remember hearing it growing up, “chin up, shoulders back.” Good posture isn’t just for family photos, there are real impacts to overall health that result from hunched shoulders. Our daily lives shape our posture and letting bad posture persist makes it more difficult to correct as the muscles in your body are retrained […]

Are Hunched Shoulders Causing You Pain?2024-07-03T13:39:11-07:00
21 10, 2020

Helping Young Athletes Play Strong for Years – Tips from a PT


As parents, we want to give our kids ample opportunity to play the sports they love. A love of sports within children can be addicting – after all, what young athletes don’t dream of hitting the big leagues? Here in Arizona, the love of the game is most apparent in baseball, and thanks […]

Helping Young Athletes Play Strong for Years – Tips from a PT2025-01-27T16:44:01-07:00
13 10, 2020

Raising Awareness: Bone and Joint Health Action Week


It’s Bone and Joint Health Action Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about bone and joint conditions and how to prevent, manage, and treat them. More than half of the America population, 54% of adults over 18 are affected by musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back pain, hip pain, or osteoporosis. One in […]

Raising Awareness: Bone and Joint Health Action Week2025-02-20T11:11:32-07:00
9 10, 2020

3 ways sleep plays a role in recovery


You snooze you lose? Not always. For athletes, better sleep equals better results.

In Episode 54 of Spooner’s Therapists in Motion podcast, Dan Miriovsky, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, DN, Cert ASTYM, and Jennifer Lee, PT, DPT, FAFS discuss an extremely vital component to successful recovery: sleep.

It is imperative that we […]

3 ways sleep plays a role in recovery2024-07-23T16:30:59-07:00
27 08, 2020

Tips to Surviving the Delivery Room: A New Dad’s Perspective


To all the current and future moms out there: I hope this goes without saying, but you are all incredible. You protect, nurture and grow this living being inside your body for months on end. You endure sickness, physical/emotional discomfort, inexplicable cases of hunger cravings, and much more. You attend every doctor appointment, participate in […]

Tips to Surviving the Delivery Room: A New Dad’s Perspective2024-07-01T13:08:47-07:00
26 08, 2020

Brain Boost: How Exercise Benefits Your Mental Health


The glorious runner’s high. The energizing feeling of exercising your worries away and crossing off milestones with each stride. The rush of endorphins through your body..Experiencing the runner’s high is just one of the many positives that come from implementing movement into your daily routine. Exercise has the power […]

Brain Boost: How Exercise Benefits Your Mental Health2023-09-08T15:35:47-07:00
19 08, 2020

What Are My Cramps Telling Me?


Cramps can be an athlete’s worst nightmare! These involuntary muscle spasms make it temporarily impossible to use the affected muscle and can negatively impact anyone at any time. A surprise cramp can end a day of fun activity, slow you down in a race, or even disrupt a good night’s rest. But what causes cramps […]

What Are My Cramps Telling Me?2023-09-08T15:36:15-07:00
17 08, 2020

7 Pool Exercises for a Full-Body Workout


This just in folks, it’s hot outside! If you’re looking for a great way to get an outdoor workout in while keeping your shoes and sanity from melting into the pavement, we’ve got your back! Pool exercises are a great way to build strength, cardio, and flexibility while reducing the stress put on your body […]

7 Pool Exercises for a Full-Body Workout2024-07-01T16:08:39-07:00