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26 06, 2024

Physical Therapy for Scoliosis – Taylor’s Story


Scoliosis is a disease that affects 2-3% of the American population. Many early adolescents are diagnosed every year, and this can be scary for them – especially if they are only presented with surgery to treat it first.

In recognition of Scoliosis Awareness Month, we talked to Taylor, who has been treated by John Kline, […]

Physical Therapy for Scoliosis – Taylor’s Story2024-06-26T17:23:17-07:00
22 05, 2024

Nurturing Pelvic Health Across the Lifespan: A Guide for Women


By: Jayelin Campbell PT, DPT

As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month, it’s an opportune time to delve into the journey of women’s health, particularly focusing on pelvic floor wellness across the many stages women will experience in their lifetime.

Women can be empowered through tangible education and care provided by pelvic floor therapists at Spooner […]

Nurturing Pelvic Health Across the Lifespan: A Guide for Women2024-06-20T11:57:31-07:00
15 05, 2024

Why are Post-Partum Bowel Movements So Hard?


By: Emily Stafford, PT, DPT, CAFS, FAFS

The first post-partum bowel movements can be anxiety-inducing and, to add to the emotional hurdle, the movement itself can be literally hard. Let’s break down some factors that go into those first few trips to the bathroom after you give birth.

Hormones: You probably know that your estrogen and […]

Why are Post-Partum Bowel Movements So Hard?2024-06-20T11:57:52-07:00
24 04, 2024

What is BPPV?


By: Stephanie Gilboy, PT, DPT, Cert. VRS

BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, is caused by the displacement of otoconia in your inner ear.

Now, otoconia have been referred to as “crystals” or “rocks.” So, if you have heard those terms at any point, their real name is otoconia, but we will refer to them as […]

What is BPPV?2024-06-20T12:05:58-07:00
25 01, 2024

Do You Have Arthritis?


By: Peter Gorman, PT, DPT, CSCS

You can treat several different types of arthritis through physical therapy. Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Gout are all different types of arthritis that affect the body differently and result in different types of pain. Physical therapists are movement specialists who can treat a range of […]

Do You Have Arthritis?2024-06-20T12:15:11-07:00
14 12, 2023

Do You Have Sciatica?


By: Anthony Celio, PT, DPT, and Eric Brown, PT, DPT, COMT, OCS

While the symptoms for sciatica typically occur down your leg, the root cause of it is higher up your kinetic chain. Sciatica is most commonly the result of nerve root compression. This can occur in your lumbar spine by a disc, like […]

Do You Have Sciatica?2024-07-02T14:35:19-07:00
3 08, 2023

How Gymnastics Shaped Me as a Physical Therapist


By: McKenna Stanley, PT, DPT

Having a provider who understands your sport is vital to receive care tailored to help you return to play. We spoke with Spooner Coppell physical therapist McKenna Stanley PT, DPT, about her experience as a NCAA All-American gymnast and how that shaped her as a physical therapist:

When did you start […]

How Gymnastics Shaped Me as a Physical Therapist2024-07-10T15:28:27-07:00
20 07, 2023

Physical Therapy for Weekend Warriors


By: Ryne Foster, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS

A weekend warrior is a term used to describe individuals who engage in intense physical activity or sports on the weekends but have few or no workouts during the week. This type of activity pattern can increase the risk of injury due to the sudden increase in physical […]

Physical Therapy for Weekend Warriors2024-07-10T15:35:50-07:00
13 07, 2023

How to Track Your Macros with Spooner FIT


By: Austin Kitteringham, CSCS

Food is fuel. It is absolutely essential to your survival and for your functional and athletic performance.

The nutrients you ingest should be aligned with the goals you have. There isn’t a universal plan or diet that works for every single person. I don’t like to label certain foods as good or […]

How to Track Your Macros with Spooner FIT2024-07-10T15:41:33-07:00
13 04, 2023

Hydrate… or Die-drate 


Written by: Trent Rincon, PT, MPT, CSCS, FRAS, FRC/MS

There are three functional pillars you cannot live without: Oxygen, water, and sleep. They are absolutely vital to your ability to survive, let alone your ability to function throughout the day. Taking time to breathe, rest, and hydrate will not only help you feel better, but […]

Hydrate… or Die-drate 2024-07-02T13:00:57-07:00