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28 12, 2023

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis?


By: Torrey Foster, PT, DPT, OCS, FAFS, CSCS, and John Kline, PT, DPT, CSCS, FAFS

The plantar fascia is dense connective tissue at the bottom of your foot that runs from the base of your toes all the way to your heel. It helps you have an arch when you walk.

Your plantar fascia and […]

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis?2024-10-29T11:37:46-07:00
7 12, 2023

Pre-season Ankle Care For The Youth Athlete


By: James Beasley, PT, DPT, CSCS

Ankle injuries, and specifically ankle sprains, are the most common injury seen in youth sports. Over 300,000 ankle sprains occur yearly in high school athletes alone, with data showing that the rate of ankle sprains is increasing yearly, particularly in non-contact sports.

As a foot and ankle specialist, the most […]

Pre-season Ankle Care For The Youth Athlete2024-10-29T11:37:47-07:00
9 11, 2023

Do You Have a Hamstring Strain 


By: Alix Ungaretti, PT, DPT, CSCS

You have 3 hamstring muscles that are sectioned into 2 groups. The first group runs from your sit bones to behind your knee. Your sit bones are the spots you feel receive the most pressure when you are sitting down. The second group of hamstring muscles runs from your […]

Do You Have a Hamstring Strain 2024-10-29T11:37:48-07:00
2 11, 2023

Common Injuries in Lacrosse


By: Anthony Celio, PT, DPT, and Lindsay Wilcox, PT, DPT, OCS

Lacrosse is an incredibly fast-paced game that requires each player to be ready to react to the ball, the stick, or another player at a moment’s notice. Changing direction to sprint, passing the ball in a bent or an […]

Common Injuries in Lacrosse2024-10-29T11:37:49-07:00
16 12, 2021

Stuck on the Bench: Common Basketball Injuries


By: Jarad Brisbin, PT, DPT, CAFS

In sport and in daily life, it is impossible to entirely prevent injuries, as there are too many variables outside of our control. However, it is important to control the variables that we can because when ignored they can lead to injury or athlete breakdown. Proper sleep and recovery, balanced […]

Stuck on the Bench: Common Basketball Injuries2024-10-29T11:38:50-07:00
9 12, 2021

Getting JJ Back on the Court


By: Jarad Brisbin, PT, DPT, CAFS

A popped knee on a young athlete. JJ’s popped knee moments after it happened.

Returning to sport following a traumatic injury can be a tricky process, no matter the injury. There is no “protocol” or template to follow, there are countless variables to account […]

Getting JJ Back on the Court2024-10-29T11:38:51-07:00
30 11, 2021

Physical Therapy for Swimmers 


By: Alix Ungaretti, PT, DPT, CSCS
When the first thing you see is the steam coming off of the water, dew clinging to the lane lines, and you hear the gentle pulsing of the water into the gutters, guided by the winds of the morning, there is always the thought of “how is coach making […]

Physical Therapy for Swimmers 2024-10-29T11:38:51-07:00
26 09, 2020

Battling Swimmer’s Shoulder: Tips for Safe Swimming and a Proper Warmup


Swimming is a beloved activity for recreation and sport, it can be competitive and also helps us stay fit and keep cool. While swimming is great for improving strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health, both recreational and competitive swimmers face a variety of overuse injuries. Like in all sports and physical activities, proper warm ups, stretching, […]

Battling Swimmer’s Shoulder: Tips for Safe Swimming and a Proper Warmup2024-07-03T17:49:29-07:00