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16 02, 2021

Carpal Tunnel & Cubital Tunnel: How to Combat these Common Office Threats


You have spent the last 6 hours at your desk with your eyes glued to the computer, your hands typing nonstop on the keyboard, and your back hunched over. You notice that your wrist is starting to ache, and your fingers are starting to tingle, causing you to slow down, stop to shake out your […]

Carpal Tunnel & Cubital Tunnel: How to Combat these Common Office Threats2024-02-29T14:15:10-07:00
10 02, 2021

7 Offseason Training Tips for Mountain Bikers 


The days are shorter, the temperatures are lower, and the cascade of riders who once flooded the trails has now dwindled down to those that can brave the cooler temperatures. For most mountain bikers, the winter months serve as the offseason: a chance to rest up, recharge the batteries, and quite literally […]

7 Offseason Training Tips for Mountain Bikers 2023-09-08T15:01:59-07:00
4 01, 2021

Why My Clients Train Me


By Brian Schulte, CSCS, FAFS
Spooner Coordinator of FIT

I already know what you’re thinking: “Brian, your clients pay for you to exercise?” Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying. I should preface myself by saying that not ALL of my clients “train me.” But some of them do, and for very specific reasons. Allow me […]

Why My Clients Train Me2024-10-18T17:50:31-07:00
21 12, 2020

What Should My Warm-up Look Like? – Running Edition


Shoes are laced up, earbuds are in, and your music playlist is set to “Beast Mode.” The time has finally come, and you’re ready to hit the pavement for your run! Just as you’re about to set off, a faint voice in the back of your head whispers, “Um… shouldn’t you warm-up first?” Not only […]

What Should My Warm-up Look Like? – Running Edition2024-07-18T10:37:15-07:00
11 12, 2020

4 Active Getaways to Take This Holiday Season


It’s the most magical time of the year. This calls for a weekend getaway full of hot chocolate, cozy campfires, and snowball fights. Whether you want to hit the slopes or hike in the Valley sunshine, Arizona has beautiful spots all across the state for you to visit. Stay active and get outside this winter […]

4 Active Getaways to Take This Holiday Season2024-07-03T09:16:10-07:00
10 12, 2020

4 Exercises to Help You Run Faster


Do you have a need for speed? A thirst for a quicker burst? A curiosity for more velocity? Well, you’ve come to the right place! 

As a runner, there’s no better feeling then checking the clock at the end of a sprint or long-distance run and realizing you’ve shaved a healthy chunk

4 Exercises to Help You Run Faster2023-09-08T15:03:35-07:00
3 12, 2020

Stand Proud and Walk Tall: Improve Your Posture with Good Standing and Walking Mechanics


Not too long ago we discussed the importance of sitting posture and how to achieve it. Now, we talk with Paul Ramos (aka “Sarge”), PTA, FAFS about achieving proper posture while you are standing and walking. Posture and walking mechanics play a huge role when it comes to improving stamina and gait, and an […]

Stand Proud and Walk Tall: Improve Your Posture with Good Standing and Walking Mechanics2024-07-03T10:16:54-07:00
23 11, 2020

Keeping Up With Your Home Exercise Program


Did you know research shows only 35% of physical therapy patients fully adhere to their plans of care?1

That number is far too low. Fully adhering to the plan of care means going to every appointment, being proactive about your physical therapy, and completing the home exercise program in its entirety. Home Exercise Programs (HEPs) […]

Keeping Up With Your Home Exercise Program2024-07-18T12:54:19-07:00
19 11, 2020

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump


By: Brian Schulte, CSCS, FAFS, FIT Coordinator

In sports, your vertical jump can be the deciding factor between a win and a loss. It can differentiate whether or not you secure that rebound, block that volleyball spike, or come down with that last second hail-mary. Furthermore, having a good vertical jump is often correlated with several […]

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump2024-10-29T11:31:31-07:00
21 10, 2020

Helping Young Athletes Play Strong for Years – Tips from a PT


As parents, we want to give our kids ample opportunity to play the sports they love. A love of sports within children can be addicting – after all, what young athletes don’t dream of hitting the big leagues? Here in Arizona, the love of the game is most apparent in baseball, and thanks […]

Helping Young Athletes Play Strong for Years – Tips from a PT2025-01-27T16:44:01-07:00