This just in folks, it’s hot outside! If you’re looking for a great way to get an outdoor workout in while keeping your shoes and sanity from melting into the pavement, we’ve got your back! Pool exercises are a great way to build strength, cardio, and flexibility while reducing the stress put on your body from gravity. The water also provides additional resistance and support which allows you to engage your muscles more fully in a safer environment. This can be especially helpful to those who struggle with joint pain, balance issues, and/or are pregnant. Spooner’s Ben Kelto, PT, DPT, OCS said, “I encourage patients that are working on increasing strength or stamina to hit the pool. The pool offers a great, low impact alternative and will allow patients to make great gains in both strength and stamina.”

What will you need?

Not much!
A Pool

  • No need for a lap pool. Any pool that has a shallow end, steps, and a deck should do!

Drinking Water

  • It may be difficult to tell, but you can lose quite a bit of sweat while exercising in a pool. Make sure you have drinking water available and are properly hydrating throughout your workout.


  • Protect your skin and apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun.

A “Can Do” Attitude

Time to dive in!

Like your SPF, we’ve got you covered with a lineup of pool exercises that are sure to challenge your entire body. Furthermore, we’ll provide you with modifications for most movements so you can adjust your approach based on what’s comfortable with you.
Perform each of the following movements for 1 minute, followed by a 30-second rest. Once you’ve completed all 7 exercises, give yourself a 3-minute break. Run through 2-3 sets of the entire lineup.

Jump Squats

Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and sit your bottom back. Keep the majority of your weight in your heels as you bend at your knees and hips with control. Do not let your knees move beyond your toes. Explode up and jump off the pool floor, extending your arms down to your side. Land on the balls of your feet and return to the starting position. Then repeat.

MODIFICATION TO EASE DIFFICULTY: Perform the squat without including the jump movement. You can use the side of the pool deck for further support.

Opposite Leg Kicks

Start in a standing position. Keeping your legs straight, kick one leg up towards the opposite shoulder. Reach with your arm and try to touch your foot with your opposite hand. Return to the starting position, then repeat the motion on the other leg/arm.

A man doing Opposite Leg Kicks in a pool


On the pool deck, start with your arms straight and place them just wider than shoulder width apart. Keeping your back straight, lower your body towards the deck, then press yourself back up.
PRO TIP: Make sure to place a towel or splash the deck with water before starting your pushups. Your hands and feet will thank you!

MODIFICATION TO EASE DIFFICULTY: Stay in the water and perform pushups along the edge of the pool deck. The closer your body is to the deck, the easier the exercise will be.

A man doing Pushups in a pool

Hip Lifts

Sitting on the edge of the pool. Keep your legs straight, parallel with the pool deck. Drive through your hands and hoist your hips in the air, maintaining a parallel relationship between your legs and the pool deck. Hold for 3 seconds, then return back to the starting position for 3 seconds, then repeat.

A man doing Hip Lifts in a pool

MODIFICATION TO EASE DIFFICULTY: Keep your legs bent instead of straight.

A man doing Hip Lifts in a pool

Deck Dips

Place your hands on the edge of the pool deck. Start by keeping your elbows straight, knees bent, and both feet against the pool wall. Bend your elbows and lower your hips towards the pool. Extend your elbows to bring you back to the starting position.

MODIFICATION TO EASE DIFFICULTY: Place your hands on a step in the pool, then place your feet a couple steps below that.

A man doing Deck Dips in a pool

Jumping Jacks

Start standing with your hands at your side. Jump and extend your arms and legs out, reaching your arms above your head. Jump back to the starting position, then repeat.

Bicycle Kicks

Place your hands on a pool step, and start with both legs out in front of you, parallel to the water line. Begin bicycle kicking by bending one knee and bringing it towards your chest, while simultaneously extending the opposite leg. Alternate legs and continue repeating.

A man doing Bicycle Kicks in a pool

MODIFICATION TO EASE DIFFICULTY: Perform the movement standing while kicking one leg at a time. Complete 30 seconds on the right leg, then turn and around and do 30 seconds on the left. Grab onto the side of the pool for extra support.

*As a reminder, make sure you are staying hydrated during your workout routine!
Check out the video below to see all these exercises in action:

The pool is a great way to minimize the stress put on the joints and muscles when compared to on-land workouts. If you find yourself experiencing difficulty or discomfort with any activity inside or outside the water, float on by to one of our many locations throughout the Valley. Spooner Physical Therapy’s team of movement specialists are here to help however we can to ensure our patients and communities are living their healthiest and best lives!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your health and fitness, no need to tread water. Schedule an appointment or complimentary movement screen with a Spooner physical therapist or FIT trainer. Let’s get you moving and feeling better today!