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Daily Exercises to Combat Sitting for the Office worker

Modified Couch Stretch

2 x 30 second holds; 10 pulses through full range of motion

The couch stretch is an excellent exercise to target flexibility of our hip flexors, which are shortened when we sit. This will be a little bit more aggressive on those hip flexors than the lunge and reach. A couch-height surface to anchor your foot on is aggressive. A stool can help make the exercise easier if you’re unable to do it with full knee flexion. Use a pad under your knee if you need to.

Modified Couch Stretch

2 x 30 second holds; 10 pulses through full range of motion

The couch stretch is an excellent exercise to target flexibility of our hip flexors, which are shortened when we sit. This will be a little bit more aggressive on those hip flexors than the lunge and reach. A couch-height surface to anchor your foot on is aggressive. A stool can help make the exercise easier if you’re unable to do it with full knee flexion. Use a pad under your knee if you need to.

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