Prepare your body for optimal performance
A Warm Up Routine for the Adult Athlete
Shoulder Warm up with 3 step breathing
10 reps
Standing tall, raise arms to shoulder height in 1/3 of a breath, swing them out in line with the body in 1/3 of a breath then raise them overhead in 1/3 breath. Exhale fully as you swing your arms behind you, bending through the knees and driving the hips backward. Keep a steady cadence. We’re getting warm here.
Shoulder Warm up with 3 step breathing
10 reps
Standing tall, raise arms to shoulder height in 1/3 of a breath, swing them out in line with the body in 1/3 of a breath then raise them overhead in 1/3 breath. Exhale fully as you swing your arms behind you, bending through the knees and driving the hips backward. Keep a steady cadence. We’re getting warm here.
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